Thursday, April 2, 2009

Springtime in Toulouse

Ben's mum Jennnifer is here, and this afternoon we were in Toulouse together, to get a feel for the city in the springtime. It's an ancient brick city, full of surprising views whenever you find a gap between the brick buildings. In the bakers' shops, window displays are given over to Easter chocolates. We particularly liked this under the sea display - if you remember our chocolate fish ('Bloups, le poisson') from a few days ago, you'll know that fish are quite popular at Easter in France.
This jeweller's shop had a lovely Easter display... But there were no prices on the jewellery, which we always think is a bad sign. And here was the real sweet shop we were looking for!Lots of very traditional French Easter goodies with a very vintage feel, and in the other window, the traditional Touluse violet goodies.
Here's the outside of the wonderful shop:
And the collection of vintage chocolate tins inside:So, Happy Easter from Toulouse!


Elizabethd said...

What a gorgeous shop!

JuanitaTortilla said...

I BET that is a lovely little town to window shop in. My goosebumps stood for a collective "whee!" as I looked at the vintage lovelies. Perhaps this 'vintage love' is slowly rubbing off on me...

Ali @ Betty and Violet said...

Oh how I would love to visit that shop! I have a thing about violets (as you know!) and this would have been an amazing little store for me to visit. Love the collection of tins ~ lucky you!