Last year Ben was puzzled by the mysterious lack of fruitfulness amongst his cucumber plants... a small cucumber would begin to grow and one day would be gone! What was going on?

Some detective-work later, we discovered that the otherwise delightful Raja, Son 1's Cocker Spaniel, had a bit of a penchant for cucumbers, and was also not above taking tomatoes or other goodies...

Ben was upset. Very upset. His relationship with the dog suffered...

(That's one way of putting it.)
So this year I suggested to him that we might build a Raja-proof fence, which would have the added advantage of giving me somewhere to grow sunflowers, sweet peas and other climbers. He went off for a while and came back with a design that went diagonally from our hedge to his nearly-finished shed, and used mainly 'found' or 'recycled' items. Once again, I am really impressed! The fencing is some very cheap trellis which we bought, and I sprayed green. The posts are from various saplings he cut down last year and the rustic branches across the top are just pieces he couldn't quite bear to throw away when he cut up firewood or garden trees!

The gate itself is made from pieces of pallet - Ben found this one which had been treated with wood-preserver along with the wood that was on it, so this gate should last well! My mum once commented dryly: 'I see Ben still can't say no to a pallet,' and whilst that's true, they really are very handy things! You may have noticed that all his raised beds are made from broken up pallets, too.

The gate pulls itself closed due to the log-weight - the boys love this and have been testing it out.

So, this is what's being protected...

I think it's going to be worth it!
Wow, what a gorgeous stretch of garden. Yay, for a new and very ingenious fence, we need a tall solid one 'round our entire yard...we are thinking of using reclaimed doors if we can find enough.
The glimpse of Ben's shed I saw looks amazing as well.
How very productive and clever you all are!
what a gorgeous garden...and fence! may it keep the doggy from the cucumbers!
great stuff - all you have to do now is fight the birds and slugs off! (only joking - its really good and I wish we had a designer in the family who could create such clever stuff).
That trich with the log on the gate is VERY clever, How do you do that ? We could do with that on the gate into our allotment...
Men have such a thing for fences,etc...I call my dad "the tomatoes' engineer", ha ha!
Wishing you a successful season for your vegetable garden!..oh..and lots of cucumbers this time!
What a great looking fence - and a great way of recycling materials.
Ben is welcome to come and build a deer-proof fence around my yard!
I'm really impressed Floss with your veggie patch, fencing & gate! might borrow the idea to keep my pesky hens out of mine as they get through the fence all the time !
Love the veg garden, wow, I am very envious of the space, we have been planting more seeds today. Well done Ben on the fence, really clever job
It's beautiful Floss! Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos of your garden and that EXCELLENT fence and gate. :)
Fantastic! How clever and so creative.
My hound dog loves tomatoes...and when you catch him, he looks excessively guilty. ;)
What a lovely veg garden.Love the gate and fence, brilliant!
Rachel x
What a fabulous fence, gate and vegetable patch! Very clever Ben.
Lovely garden, but I can't believe your dog eats cucumbers, whatever next? My husband can also never turn down a pallet, he has just made a cross country fence out of a couple!
That's really thrifty.
I have a pallet I'm planning to use for raised beds. Glad to see someone else went first. xx
Wow, really impressed with you all, I'm afraid you're putting us very much to shame. What will Raja eat now though?
I called my husband over to read this post and witness some real raised beds. "That'll be in the country somewhere," he said. I paused. "It's in France. Somewhere outside Toulouse." He laughed and continued on his way. Could he think he's off the hook?
What a great looking garden space! I love how Ben used the pallet as a gate door. And the log weight!!!
That's no shed honey, that's a man cave if I ever did see one!! I'll be showing my hubby it later and won't he be envious. Your new garden area looks brilliant. It's sure to be safe now. Think of all the lovely vegetables you'll be able to cook with now.
Great looking garden. Hope the "predators" stay out!. :) Hope you are doing much better.
It's definitely worth it. Love how you re-used so many things. Yay for the pallet's new life. I like it as a garden gate. The entire garden looks great. Can't wait to see the harvest.
My friend's dog eats all her bell peppers from her plants.
♥ Joy
Wow!! What a great job!! The fence looks really good!! Will look even better with sweetpeas and other gorgeous flowers growing along it!!!
LOL - that did make me laugh. My husband has a garage full of pallets and we often have to drive round pallet spotting - some are better than others (apparently!).
The fence looks good, and will be fantastic with sweetpeas growing up it.
Great job there, ingenious use of materials and I really like the log - weight idea too on the gate.
Pests can really be a problem in the vege garden, but at least you've sorted out one .... snails and slugs are our number one enemy. Good luck . Hope it works.
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