Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Third Pause in Advent

If you're reading Simple Abundance, then you've already encountered this, but I think it's worth reading again!
"Today let's ruminate on the Real role of gifts in the Christmas story. Those gifts were wrapped in miracles, which is probably why we can't find them at malls or in mail-order catalogues. "The first gift was of Spirit: unconditional Love.
"The next gift came from a Jewish teenager named Miriam, who was known to her family and friends as Mary. Her Christmas present was selflessness, the complete surender of ego and will needed to bring Heaven down to earth.
"The gifts of her fiancé, Joseph, were trust and faith. He trusted that Mary wasn't pregnant with another man's child; he believed there really was a Divine Plan to get them through this mess.
"The Child brought forgiveness. Wholeness. Second chances. The angels' gifts were tidings of comfort, joy and peace, the reassurance that there was nothing to fear, so rejoice...
"...To give such gifts.
To truly open our hearts to receive such gifts gratefully..."
Don't forget to visit the other Pause in Advent Bloggers - on the list to the left. It's a great way to find out what friends old and new are doing around the world as we prepare for Christmas.
PS If you were thinking, "I didn't know Simple Abundance was a Christian book," you'd be right, it isn't!


aspiritofsimplicity said...

I think I have read that book before..if it is the same one I am thinking of. I enjoyed it.

Unknown said...

Kaye said...
Oh, This was such a blessing to me today! Thank you, Floss. Praying for you and your family today!

Apron Senorita said...

Thank you for your wonderful post. God bless you Floss.


Kit said...

I loved reading this this morning. A beautiful way to start my day. Thank you! Kit

Heidi said...

This was so Beautiful, The true meaning of Christmas!

Serenata said...

It was a good thoughtful reading wasn't it Floss?

Great post.

Lalabibaby @ Dreaming of The Simple Life said...

Lovely post Floss x

Jen Walshaw said...

I think I need to pop this book on my wish list, thank you for some food for thought

E. Charlotte said...

Thank you for this! :D Wonderful!

Elderberry-Rob said...

I had Simple Abundance on longterm loan from the library after your recommendations - it is the most beautiful book although I had to read fast to get the whole year done in 6 weeks! I interpreted the reference to Spirit as being God as I know Him.

A garden just outside Venice said...

Thank you for your great informative post!

Elderberry-Rob said...

Hello Floss. I had Simple Abundance after you recommended it (on long term loan from the library) I really enjoyed it and have just bought Romancing the Ordinary from the same author as my daily read for 2011. Also am ordering The One Year Book of Hope by Nancy Guthrie which I think you would enjoy (thoughts and short reflections on bible passages year book). Betty x