Look away now if you don't like mice!
I'm perfectly happy if they stay outside, but I'm afraid some of this one's relatives strayed indoors and tried to steal our Christmas chocolates. They Are No More...
When the snow started falling, over a week ago now, Son 1 was excited enough to get a wellie boot on one foot and a trainer on the other, and wrap up warm enough to shuffle around the garden on his crutches. Raja followed, doggedly.
Now we're at the stage where a thin layer of snow or, worse, ice has sat over everything for about a week. Crutches are out of the question, so Son 1 is stuck back indoors and, when I'm not working, we're playing endless but enjoyable games of Carcassone. At the moment, I'm winning the latest round...
Don't forget to enter my giveaway in the post below, to win four little collections of French vintage goodies!

We have has snow too Floss though not as bad as 2010 (more forecast however) ... that I can cope with but the temperature has been so low it is like an ice skating rink on some roads. Love watching the birds at the feeders, mice don't last too long around here with my Oliver and we have a cheeky squirrel who swings on the peanut holder for his midday snack. Take care out there x
The snow is beautiful...when we get that much snow the ice usually follows and then the problems begin. Have fun! xo
I'm unable to use the camera, I'm going to set up my Feb Thrills at the weekend and hubby will photograph them for me..I'll post next week.
Jane x
no snow here! I was talking to a friend near Bordeaux yesterday and she has the same weather as you. All church services have been cancelled, they cant get out to shop. Oh my!
We only had it for one day at the weekend, but as it's half term next week maybe we'll get some more!
Gosh snow, it looks quite deep as well and very pretty, although cold. Ours has been thawing the last few days, but is still on the ground and very icy in places. I wish they would put grit on the footpaths, especially in the town centre. It is dangerous
All that snow looks magnificent!!
Good luck with continuing your winning streak
Hi Florr, it was raining on top of the snow today, then it started snowing and now it has all frozen over. My sister sent a text telling me of an "horrendous journey home from work".
I was surprised to see some of our goldfinches back on their nyger seed today, they don't tend to visit a lot in winter but there are plenty here at other times.
I've been remembering to change their (frozen) water every morning.
I do so love the little birds who visit us.
Carol xx
Beautiful pictures, the mouse is cute, when it's outside lol
Wow, look at that. We haven't had any new snow but still have a foot on the ground. Today feels like spring. 45 out! Kit
I've been watching the news of the cold and snow in Europe. So unusual. My youngest daughter arrived in Rome last weekend to 6 inches of snow!
I hope it warms up soon for you. Meanwhile, stay cozy.
what a treat - snow!
my friend moved to Menton (cote d'azur) a few years ago and rarely sees snow. When it fell last winter she got the monopoly out so her (french!) children would understand the whole indoor holiday thing!
lovely pictures
fee x
We have snow here in Paris too and it's also not habitual these days. Not as much as last year, but still... I have to say, I love it, but I'm originally from a cold, northern, snowy state. It makes me a little more nervous here, as people don't seem to know how to clean their walks properly nor drive if there's the least little flake coming down.
Oh Floss you know how I feel about mice eek!
just joking look at your snow, we got more yesterday....and I ran into a terrible accident I hope there were no fatalities we had to be rerouted around...so sad! its always a reminder we drive on ice all winter that you get a little too relaxed sometimes!
AHA - so your city is where our snow has gone. :) And I have to say, I don't mind a bit! :) Although we did get some flurries last night and this a.m. - Nothing has stuck tho.
I had to smile at your Carcassone gaming fun. One of my family loves that as well. I'm thoroughly enjoying Words with Friends with grandkids and other family members, myself. It works well in the spare bits of minutes I have. :)
Have a blessed week!
so we are not alone then... take care and keep upright. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx
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