Monday, August 26, 2013

Coming round the mountain in a vintage skirt!

We did a camping tour of the northern coast of Spain this month - another lovely chance to chill out with the family while visiting some wonderful places.
That's our tent, hiding behind the cornflowers, at the bottom of a high valley in the Cordillera Cantabrica.
This campsite was our favourite - lots of space and free mountain-goat jumping displays at unexpected times!
Both at the campsite (available for rent) and higher up in the valley, these herdsmen's huts called brañas are a feature of the area. They are thatched with dried broom! We saw the local cattle and a lot of farmers, out and about making hay. Choughs flew around us as we walked higher up the valley, and we spotted vultures and eagles on the craggy mountains. The bears and wolves kept their distance, though...
At the high, and rather distant, end of the valley was a beautiful lake. We took a (very quick) dip in it and Ben snapped this rare glimpse of me in this year's walking gear - yes, I was the only walker on that popular route who had combined hiking boots with a vintage floral skirt and a tie-die T-shirt.


Serenata said...

Floss you look gorgeous! What beautiful scenery. I wish I could get my husband camping!

Angela said...

What a beautiful photo! You look really great against that blue background!!xx

Elizabethd said...

Perfect outfit for walking! What a lovely place you holidayed in.

Elderberry-Rob said...

You look lovely! vintage with walking boots is stylish I think! I would like to see the mountain goats jumping and to swim in that lake - but would be afraid of what lies beneath I suppose, being the wimp that I am! Betty

Jane and Chris said...

I'm sure you were more comfortable and cooler than most!
Jane x

Pom Pom said...

I love your hiking apparel, Floss! It looks like you had a wonderful time!

Fat Dormouse said...

I'm sure you were definitely the most elegant of walkers! I have recently seen some photos of my parents in their courting days, and mum had been hiking in the Lakes in a very smart houndstooth jacket and worsted skirt! So why not vintage cotton and tie-dye?!