On Saturday we took the boys for a walk around the hills and valleys of the Tarn, starting from our campsite.

We were well-prepared, with sunhats, walking shoes and lots and lots of water - Madame the Farmer had warned us that a very hot day had been forecast!

We picked blackberries and (rather high) wild plums as we went.

We saw an enormous number of
butterflies (and we had the Butterfly Book with us!).

We stopped to eat lunch in a shady woodland, sitting on some abandoned wine press stones.

But it was hot.

Very hot.

And getting hotter.

We had rationed our water carefully and had a full bottle left for the last part of the walk, but it was a case of sipping the lukewarm stuff sparingly...

when suddenly Son 2 yelled: "TAP!"

We got the dog to the water first (even though she'd been the one paddling in a stream not long before) and then we drank our fill. Then we soaked our hats and splashed our hands and faces. Then we refilled the bottles and drank again! Then we splashed again!
"This is magical!" exclaimed Son 2, with the icy water running off his arms and a huge grin on his face.

I knew what he meant, and I realised with new respect why springs and fountains have always been seen as holy or magical. The chilled water on top of a hill on a baking dry day felt like a gift from God - and earlier people must have felt the same way, as this was just across the road from the tap:

So with that gift, from God, from the people of the past, and from the modern mayoral team who had seen fit to update the spring with a push-button tap, we set off refreshed.

A lot of learning done in the course of one walk.
I love 'the tap' and this post. Thanks for reminding us of how God always provides (and some smart modern mayoral team).
What a great way of reminding us that we are only gievn what we need. A lovely post floss
How wonderful - it must have been so refreshing on a hot day & tasted good.
In Mallorca people would come to fill their water containers from our village from a mountain spring. The water in Palma was very salty & the spring water fresh & lovely.
"All I have is all I need" - I so totally believe that, don't you?
For example, yesterday I went with Mr Bun to our local Charity Shops searching for a suit that he could wear to a wedding in a couple of weeks. (He has absolutely no need for a suit normally, so pointless buying something in the High Street). Anyway, most of the shops had suits which were the wrong sizes, then, (in my favourite CS I might add!) we found the perfect suit which fits perfectly.... God always provides, doesn't He?
Thank you for sharing your hot walk with us, Floss :-)
Denise x
Isnt it wonderful how God provides just what we need.
We are all so blessed, I think about all the people in the world who are without clean water. The tap with it's supply of water would seem such a miracle.
What fun! I'll have to try and find some good walks near Grandads next week. I love to walk along the canal near his house into Moissac to the market. When we were little, me and my brother got to have a go on someone's boat along there and nearly crashed it into the side of the canal! Good times! Anyway, we'll have interent access while we're there so get in touch if you're able to meet up somewhere!
If you've got any tips of good places to go walking, let me know! Looks like you know what you're doing with all those maps!
Kat x
Makes one realise how important the simple stuff water is doesn't it? Reading this has warmed me up a little its' been so cold here today and pouring with rain all day too so thanks for a sunny post!
So happy God provided that Magical water along your way. That hike did look very educational and fun despite the heat.
♥ Joy
It reminds me that we sometimes take the basics (though not for everybody in the world) for granted, and we should really respect it and save it more.
Except from the heat, it seemed a really lovely walk !
A lovely walk and I would have loved seeing the butterflies. A wonderful reminder as well of the simple things we take for granted. Would love some of the warm weather here though, it has been really cold!
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