Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Seeing Double...

I bought a very appealing tin at a Vide Greniers a few months ago. It had a wonderful summery scene on the top, which is probably the Mediterranean, but reminds all our family of Swallows and Amazons! I put the tin into my shop, because I couldn't visualise where I would put it at home, and, as Ben keeps reminding me, 'you can't keep everything'! I probably over-priced it though, as I suspect I was subconsciously wanting to keep it, and after a few months of it not selling, I gave it a quick trial run in our bedroom, where it looked great.
While it was sitting in our bedroom, I went to a springtime Vide Greniers at Bon Répos and found THE SAME TIN!
I snapped it up and put the original one (rather nicer in terms of the patina of age, and closing better) back into the shop, at a slightly reduced price.
I can afford to be generous and actually sell it now,
because I have one in my bedroom, just where I want it!


Kissed by an Angel said...

Aren't they gorgeous!!

Serenata said...

How wonderful, finding two the same. Must say I am quite tempted!

Autumn Mist said...

Isn't that brilliant?!

Jen Walshaw said...

Karma, it was meant to be

Purrfect Haven said...

doubling up on beautiful things - we all like your style! Beautiful! love Helen

Andi's English Attic said...

That's a very good compromise! Good luck with the sale. xx

Michela said...

I can't remember the previous price of that tin, but now it very affordable considering its size! I was checking just yesterday on the internet the prices for vintage tins, it's unbelievable how cheap they are overhere, people don't appreciate at all those little treasures!
Which "designs" are you looking for? (I hope Ben is not reading.. ;-)


Hi there, I agree re Swallows and Amazons! I'm starting to collect the books to re-read. My friend brought me a similar tin (different picture) when she came over from France and said that it was an old sugar tin.
Lesley X