I couldn't resist asking
Michaela if I could borrow her blog title for this post, although I've changed it a bit. It just seemed to be what I wanted to show you, although there's a bit of Vide Grenier creeping in towards the end, amongst the flowers...

These are Morning Glories which Ben planted to climb up his new fence this year. I heard Son 2 bouncing in the pool the other morning and shouting to his brother: 'I can't believe those beautiful flowers only last one morning!' There is something profligate about putting all that effort into something so ephemoral.

A few other photos I've taken over the past few months - my scented garden, which is next to the herb garden. The lavender smells wondeful when you brush against it as you walk up the path to the front door.

Lilies of the Valley (
muguet), which our neighbour Nellie shared with me - a mum from the chlidren's judo club she runs had given her more plants than she needed. We may have our own flowers in time for
May 1st next year!

This one is a current flower, but it's indoors.

It's from my much-loved Pinguicula, which, if you look at the leaves, you will realise is one of my carnivorous plant collection. I think the boys 'donated' that very large fly, actually...

Back outside, the grape pergola has grown some strange 'fruit' this morning. I noticed that the birds were beginning to help themselves, so I tied up some 'bows' of foil which sparkle and rustle in what we have to hope is an alarming way, as far as birds are concerned.

CDs, of course, are the more traditional bird scarer! However, I couldn't find Ben's stash of garden-worthy CDs.

Oops - a Vide Grenier find has wormed its way into this photo of one of my birthday hydrangeas! It's a charming wooden mirror which I have now stripped and waxed - photos of the sweet carving on it once it's on the wall!

And while we're at it, a very old tin from the same Vide Greniers.

It's a Nativity scene (
creche), and I want to know the best way to clean it up without destroying more of the paintwork. What do you think? Brush? Soap and water? No hope?

And nestling in among the fucia flowers, my finished stool makeover.

I decided to tell you how I did it in a separate 'tutorial' below. Ooh, a 'tutorial'! I am getting ideas above my station...
Floss, the Morning Glories are lovely. I've never seen them before so this was a treat and I can close my eyes and smell your beautiful garden from here.
Have a super weekend.
Cal x
Whats going on, lol, two posts in one hour? You must be bored, obviously not got enough windowframes to sand down, lol.
The stool looks fabulous under the fuchsias. The red is such a lovely contrast to the blue of the stool.
Oh, and your morning glory pics are gorgeous, some are such a marvellous deep purple colour.
Oh what a lovely garden, so peaceful and charming! Thank you for the link!
I didn't know that rusty tins could be cleaned..maybe with some sandpaper?.. Or am I a disaster?
Je te souhaite un bon week-end! :)
Hooray Floss I can finally read and comment on your blog! :) I am so pleased! Lovely photos xx
Oh it looks lovely!
Hello again,
Your garden is looking fab :-)
Hope you have a sunny weekend to enjoy it!!
Rose XXX
your flagstone path looks very English Cottage...and just lovely!
Hi Floss, what beautiful little flowers you have in your garden! I can almost smell them from here.
The stool looks fab too!
Have a lovely weekend love Lou xxx
Howdy Floss
Oh my goodness what a gogeous garden.
Oh how I love the smell of lavender as you brush against it.
I never knew about hanging the cd's .
Thank you for the information.
Those are amazing blooms on the morning glories.
The grapes look so delicious.
My Grandmother always had a grape arbor and made so many wonderful things from jelly to jam to juice,to a nice wine for special family gahterings.
I am not sure how to clean up the beautiful vintage tin .
I do hope someone has a solution I have a few Tins I have not been able to part with that really need to be cleaned up.
Thank you for such a marvelous post today.
It is nice to be back blogging again.
All my best to you and yours.
Happy Trails
A big hello to your Mum :)
Your flower garden is absolutely gorgeous and I'm in love with your wonderful little stool. I'll have to check out the tutorial. ;)
♥ Teresa
Hello Floss!
I saw a comment you left for Anne Marie and the mention of an English Garden so I thought I would visit.
As an American in America trying to grow an English Garden, well, it has it's ups and downs. I was happy to see some of your garden and am hoping I am getting close to that (my first summer). I have stone steps similar to you but I have grass growing between them, what do you have? It looks tons better.
Your son has some beautiful morning glory growing on that cute fence. And he can tell his brother that they will bloom all day as long as they have sun!! ;-) And I adore lavender. I bought a little plant and it never seemed to get any bigger, then it died! Maybe it is our soil here!
Well, I'll visit again to see more of your garden and hopefully learn more of your life in France!
Your flowers are beautiful. Really like your stool redo! Sorry - no advice on how to clean the tin - I was going to say dampen a cloth with WD40 and wipe gently in a small place that won't be noticable to see what happens, but it may take some paint off also.
Such pretty flowers to see here, and your stool is very sweet indeed. I love the cmbintaion of your quirky vintage finds amongst the greenery x
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