And the little story of yesterday evening, following my posting of yesterday's prayer on the theme of growing up caring and thoughful, is as follows:
Our Son 2 is a hot-headed, imaginative, action-philosopher aged 12. Aren't all children contradictions? He's very wary of God - he finds it almost impossible to make committments, always thinking of the 'what ifs' and the 'but have you considereds' that the rest of us ignore as we rush through life. Last night, very unusually, he told me he worried at night and had bad dreams about natural disasters - he loves reading action and adventure books where the heroes narrowly escape volcanoes, earthquakes, floods etc, but he confided in me that the escapes were basically fiction and that, as a real boy and not the hero of a story, he imagined that he wouldn't have the same incredible last-minute escape if it happened to him. He went on to say that this was one of the things that made him very dubious about God - all this wrath of God through natural disaster. "He's done it four times, as far as I can see," he told me (he loves counting too). I told him I was impressed and ready to listen, so he set off listing Noah, the Plagues of Egypt, Joshua and the genocide as the Children of Israel went into the Holy Land, and "... um.. well, Abraham was his uncle...". Indeed, yes, Lot at Sodom and Gomorrah. How on earth did he know that story, not often covered in Sunday School? The Manga Bible, it transpires...
I'm not going to tell you all my replies - I made a few, but I felt that listening properly was more important than answers at that point. Son 2 went on to explain how, as far as he can see it, humans gain a tiny bit of power and then claim supernatural justification for holding on to and extending that power. He cited Nero, the ancient Greeks and Hitler. He asked why people hadn't sorted Hitler out, "when he was in prison writing books against the Jews". That was my second, "how on earth do you know about that?" moment and he told me: "I just pick things up, they're interesting".
It was all one of those How Do You Top That? moments. It was way past his bed time and he was tired. As always with Son 2, we were left with more questions than answers. But I remembered the prayer I'd posted earlier in the day, and ended the evening praying with him that, "God would show him the good in people as well as the bad". After he'd finished his own prayers he said to me, "What was the second thing you prayed?". I repeated what I'd said and he told me, "I think I do see the good in people too." And I left him thinking on that...
Sorry if you'd like a cut and dried story about how I'd answered all his questions and he'd decided to put his faith in Jesus after all that. Some children are that easy - to be honest Son 1 is. But don't you think it's impressive that God has made Son2s, as well as Son 1s? Life is never going to be boring with them around!
What a beautiful posting. Thank you for sharing! I believe honest searchings are perfectly acceptable to Him.
I'm reminded of C.S. Lewis's own journey. He was one fellow who took a long time to find Truth, but when he came upon it he knew he'd found it -- that is to say, Him.
We pray you joy and peace.......
The questions that children pose really make us stop and think. And so they should.
Jane x
Just amazing, what a thought filled post.
I often have a sad thought going back to my school days. One day we were told at school about Darwin (as an aside the teacher was an atheist). I remember coming home and telling my Mum how wrong the Bible was and that we were definitely all just clever apes. I remember she wept.
Carol xx
Thank you, such a thoughtful post. I always think that faith comes as much from facing questions as it does from a childlike acceptance. God made each of our children with their unique personalities and I am sure he is thrilled whatever way they growth to faith.
Thank you for these posts, Floss. Praying for your sons, as I pray for my own daughters.
Bless you all xx
Floss, I haven't read enough of your blog to really 'know' you or your faith or doctrinal beliefs so I may be way off base here....but have you ever had a look at Answers in Genesis?
It is a website devoted to Christian Apologetics and there is a really good section for kids, with questions and answers and all sorts of videos and activities.
I use it for my boys and it has helped them (and me) a lot...my eldest is 13 and sounds like your Son 2.
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