Much to my excitement, I've been given an award by one of my esteemed followers - Ali, of
Message in a Teacup, Tales from Betty & Violet. She has such a super blog that it's almost embarassing to be compared to it, but I guess that comparison is not the point. She says on her post that once given the award, we need to list seven things we love, and then go on to honour seven more creative bloggers with this award. Do go to her
post on the subject, to see who else she has nominated.

So, on and off for the last 24 hours I've been trying to think of a comprehensive list of seven things I love. It's not really possible to fit it all in, is it? So here is an eclectic list. Like Ali, I've taken it as obvious that I love my family, and I would also add that as a Christian I love my Lord, Jesus, so those first loves don't feature in the list - please take them as read.

Seven things I love, in no particular order:
Days out with the family.
The fact that I was brought up to think for, and have faith in, myself.
Spring time.
Teaching a child to do something they couldn't do before.
Finding, or even just searching for, treasures in Charity Shops, Vide Greniers etc.
Having a good time without hurting anyone - this is why I love goodies with the Fair Trade mark, for example.
Making something new from something old.

Now, how to decide which of my many creative friends should have this award? This is very hard, because everyone I 'follow' impresses me and inspires me with their creativity. Where I have awarded those who have already got the award, please just consider yourself doubly/tripley/quadrupley creative, as Ali said! Wow - are those ordinal adverbs real words?

So here are seven people I really admire for their creative blogs:
Juanitatortilla - I've just done some shopping from her very creative range.
Elizabeth at
French Village Life - I'm learning a lot about living a creative life in France from her.
Sara at
Flossie and Tom - of course I like the fact that I share a name with her grandmother, too.
Sal at
Sal's Snippets - another unstoppable 'kreativ' person, who lives in a part of the world I love.

Please help yourselves to your awards and, if you have time/energy, follow the 'sevens' rule.
Thank you very much! I'm so touched :)
Mel xxx
Hi there..thank you so much!
It was lovely to discover you and your blog
Thanks very much Floss XX
I think your blog deserves all awards - dont put yourself down.
Never heard of Vide Grenier - what are they?
Thank you so much...it is an award I've recently had so wont do the sevens again...but I do appreciate the thought.. ..and you do deserve it too!
Thank you so much. It is so nice to receive an award, it is my first so I am very grateful. I have to give some thought to who I will award mine to.
Oh my. I am flattered!!!
Now I'm wearing a smile, just trying to think of 7 things I love :)
Thank you so much, Alison!
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