I want us to be very relaxed about this - interpret the theme as you like, and use the inspiration words as you want - maybe you want to take one word and write about it for the whole of Lent, or maybe you'd prefer to look at many different words. And here are the words, suggested by Ang of Tracing Rainbows:

Do you recognise them? If you do, you might realise why they go, in my mind at least, with Charley Harper's Cool Cardinal, pictured above the list! (See my sidebar for more Charley Harper details.)
Do you recognise them? If you do, you might realise why they go, in my mind at least, with Charley Harper's Cool Cardinal, pictured above the list! (See my sidebar for more Charley Harper details.)
Yes, no doubt most of you got it quicker than I would have - Ang sent me a list of the Cardinal Virtues (or, and this gets complicated, the four cardinal virtues plus three theological virtues - I'm not got to quibble)! Here are the definitions Ang found:
Valour: Pursuit of Knowledge
Generosity: Pursuit of Charity
Liberality: Pursuit of Will
Diligence: Pursuit of Ethics
Patience: Pursuit of Peace
Kindness: Pursuit of Love
Humility: Pursuit of Modesty
Generosity: Pursuit of Charity
Liberality: Pursuit of Will
Diligence: Pursuit of Ethics
Patience: Pursuit of Peace
Kindness: Pursuit of Love
Humility: Pursuit of Modesty
As Protestants, Ang and I have never really looked much into this list before, and some of them sound kind of complicated, nay, confusing... What are we going to make of them? Well, our Catholic friends may be able to help us out - I'm sure glad you're with us, friends. But the really important thing is that they should give us some kind of prompt for spiritual exploration over the next six weeks - as Yoli, over at Apron Senorita, says: "The goal of every Christian is to leave Lent a stronger and more vital person of faith than when we entered." I'm really looking forward to sharing Lent with you, friends old and new.
Please count me in, Floss. Thank you for hosting.
What an interesting concept, Floss. I will definitely think about this.
And this is what the Lenten season is supposed to be about...thoughtfulness in both mind and action.
Thank you.
I hope these words inspire others. Having thrown the suggestion into the ring, I now find that MY mind is a complete blank!!
I am really looking forward to reading our blogfriends ideas and reflections
Lenten Blessings x
Such powerful and inspring words. Those are the things we wish to master but so often fall short. That is were I'm so thankful that we have a loving and patient Father God. He allowes us to learn at our pace, while he guides us with tenderness. May this Lent bring us close to Him.
Yoli :)
Apron Senorita
Now I'm just waiting for the Spirit to move me.....
Jane x
Thankyou Floss I will join in, the word prompts will be very helpful. Betty
The word prompts sound challenging but exciting!
What super themes, good for us all to think about. I would love to post, but it will be on my blog simplicity is the new black, as I try and keep the other all food. Hope that is OK with you.
Regards Jude x
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